the phlegmatic siren from the stories of four the phlegmatic siren from the stories of four


Play 01 Play 01 simple bodies 4:04
Play 02 Play 02 divinity matter form effect 4:04
Play 03 Play 03 axiokersa 4:04
Play 04 Play 04 qebehsenuef 4:04

license: cc-by-sa

released: 01 July 2016

The final release in the QUADRANTS series. The last fall down into the AM radio noise nightmare of the every man haunted by the four sirens. Each track on this EP was crafted using sound source from its corresponding quadrant on the album QUADRANTS: the stories of four, making entirely new compositions. This release is noise orientated.

CFR446 photography: arvin clay @ freeze frame reality model: sZ Copy Copied Failed Close